Sonic Frontiers : L'avis de la presse !
2 réponses à ce sujet

C'est le grand jour !
Sonic Frontiers est dès aujourd'hui disponible sur PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One et Xbox Series !
Pas de version collector, pas de grandiloquence, le jeu sort en catimini. Il y a bien certaines enseignes qui offrent des Steelbook très moches (Micromania, Leclerc) et une version Digital Deluxe, mais la version simple fera l'affaire en attendant une version Director's Cut peut-être un jour.
A noter que si vous avez acheté la version Digital Deluxe, il vous faudra installer les deux contenus supplémentaires "Adventurer's Treasure Box" et "Explorers Treasure Box" après avoir mis à jour votre jeu et avant d'avoir terminé le tutorial du jeu sinon vous ne pourrez plus les activer.
Mais la question que tout le monde se pose c'est : Est-ce que le jeu vaut le coup ?
Avant même d'avoir mis les mains sur le jeu on trouvera une première réponse du coté de Metacritic. Après 51 reviews le jeu obtient la note moyenne de 73, là où Sonic Forces atteignait 57. C'est une bonne note !
Quelques notes au hasard:
IGN Japan: 8/10
Game Informer: 7.8/10
Gamespot: 7/10
IGN: 7/10
JeuxActu: 6/10
Gamekult: 6/10
Et pour finir ci-dessous la dernière bande annonce qui dévoile beaucoup du jeu (attentions aux spoils).
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Sonic Frontiers est dès aujourd'hui disponible sur PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One et Xbox Series !
Pas de version collector, pas de grandiloquence, le jeu sort en catimini. Il y a bien certaines enseignes qui offrent des Steelbook très moches (Micromania, Leclerc) et une version Digital Deluxe, mais la version simple fera l'affaire en attendant une version Director's Cut peut-être un jour.
A noter que si vous avez acheté la version Digital Deluxe, il vous faudra installer les deux contenus supplémentaires "Adventurer's Treasure Box" et "Explorers Treasure Box" après avoir mis à jour votre jeu et avant d'avoir terminé le tutorial du jeu sinon vous ne pourrez plus les activer.
Mais la question que tout le monde se pose c'est : Est-ce que le jeu vaut le coup ?
Avant même d'avoir mis les mains sur le jeu on trouvera une première réponse du coté de Metacritic. Après 51 reviews le jeu obtient la note moyenne de 73, là où Sonic Forces atteignait 57. C'est une bonne note !
Quelques notes au hasard:
IGN Japan: 8/10
Game Informer: 7.8/10
Gamespot: 7/10
IGN: 7/10
JeuxActu: 6/10
Gamekult: 6/10
Et pour finir ci-dessous la dernière bande annonce qui dévoile beaucoup du jeu (attentions aux spoils).
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In the peaceful setting of his meditation corner, surrounded by calming decor and soft lighting, Michael watched the virtual baccarat game on his phone come to an end. The thrill he once sought had diminished, leaving him with a desire for meditation and mindfulness.
Michael put his phone away with resolve, distancing himself from the online casino that had become a frequent distraction. As he settled onto his meditation cushion, he took a moment to reflect on his gambling habits and their impact on his mental clarity and inner peace.
With a commitment to change, Michael sought guidance from meditation teachers and mindfulness practitioners, recognizing the importance of support in his quest for achieving mental tranquility and emotional balance. Though the journey ahead would require dedication and practice, he was ready to embrace a fresh start and work towards a life of meditation and mindfulness.
Michael found fulfillment in exploring different meditation techniques and practices that promoted relaxation and self-awareness, such as guided meditation, breathwork, and mindful movement. By focusing on meditation and mindfulness, he began to rebuild his resilience and find joy in achieving a calm and centered state of mind. Through perseverance and the support of loved ones, Michael navigated his path toward a life beyond gambling.
Michael put his phone away with resolve, distancing himself from the online casino that had become a frequent distraction. As he settled onto his meditation cushion, he took a moment to reflect on his gambling habits and their impact on his mental clarity and inner peace.
With a commitment to change, Michael sought guidance from meditation teachers and mindfulness practitioners, recognizing the importance of support in his quest for achieving mental tranquility and emotional balance. Though the journey ahead would require dedication and practice, he was ready to embrace a fresh start and work towards a life of meditation and mindfulness.
Michael found fulfillment in exploring different meditation techniques and practices that promoted relaxation and self-awareness, such as guided meditation, breathwork, and mindful movement. By focusing on meditation and mindfulness, he began to rebuild his resilience and find joy in achieving a calm and centered state of mind. Through perseverance and the support of loved ones, Michael navigated his path toward a life beyond gambling.